Madison Creative Arts Academy
Public Charter School Serving Grades 5K - 8th
Kindergarten - 8th Grade
MCAA Open Enrollment occurs each spring in February and March. Applications are available on our website for potential seats in the coming school year. If the number of applications exceeds the number of seats available in a given grade level, a lottery is held to place students in order on a waiting list. For more information about our enrollment process, please read our Student Admissions Process document under the Enrollment tab. To apply for Open Enrollment, please complete the Enrollment Application which will open on February 1, 2025.
Prekindergarten (VPK)
Open Enrollment for the Early Learning Center at MCAA will also open February 1, 2025, for the 2025-2026 school year. For more information about VPK enrollment please visit our Early Learning page. Please Apply for a VPK Certificate of Eligibility online at the Florida Early Learning website. You must have a VPK Certificate of Eligibility in order to apply for the VPK Program at MCAA.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can apply to MCAA?
Enrollment is open to ALL rising pre-kindergarten through 8th grade students residing within the district and surrounding counties who are able to spend at least 80% of their time in a traditional classroom. Pre-K students must be 4 years old on or before September 1 of the coming school year. Kindergarten students must be 5 years old on or before September 1 of the coming school year.
How do we apply?
​Enrollment applications are to be submitted through our online system. On the first day of Open Enrollment, an “Enroll Now” link will be placed on the home screen of this website at the start of the business day. Simply click on the tab and you will be directed to an online application. The first section of the application will ask applicants to provide parent/guardian information followed by a section requesting information about the individual student. Once all of the questions have been completed, simply click on the “Submit” button. Applicants will receive a confirmation email message as verification that the application was received. Applicants with multiple children applying will need to complete a separate application for each child.
When is Open Enrollment?
Open Enrollment occurs annually in February and March for the following school year. Open Enrollment is divided into 4 enrollment periods. See the current Student Admissions Process documents under the Enrollment tab for complete details and specific dates.
What if we do not have internet access to complete the application?
In the event that you do not have internet access, you may contact the school at 850-973-2529 and make arrangements to complete the online application at the school site.
What should we do if we did not receive a confirmation email that our application was submitted successfully?
Please contact the school office at 850-973-2529 to check the status of your application.
How can we correct an error or make changes to a submitted application?
Please call the school office at 850-973-2529 as soon as possible.
Does submitting an application ensure my student a seat for the coming school year?
No, each year our number of applicants typically exceeds our seating capacity. In this case a lottery will be held to determine your child's place on the waiting list for his/her grade. As seats become available, applicants will be offered seats in the order in which they were placed on the waiting list for their grade level.
Lotteries are held by enrollment period, with the first lottery consisting of applications received during the first two weeks of February (1st Enrollment Period). If additional seats remain available after all of the 1st Enrollment Period applications have been exhausted, a second lottery will be held for applications received during the following two weeks (2nd Enrollment Period), and so on. For more specific details, including specific enrollment period dates, please see the Student Admission Process document under the Enrollment tab above.
Are applications "first come, first serve"?
Enrollment is not based upon a “first come first serve” basis. All applications that are submitted during the enrollment period will eligible for consideration. In the event that applications exceed the number of seats available for a particular class, admission will be determined using the lottery process. Priority categories in the lottery process are outlined in our Student Admission Process document under the Enrollment tab.
How does MCAA contact families to offer enrollment?
Offers of enrollment will be sent to the email address provided in the application. Please contact the office to update your email address, if needed.
How long is our application active?
Your application will expire at the end of the school year requested. If we are not able to offer a seat to your child during that school year, please submit a new application during the next Open Enrollment period (February) to be considered for the next school year.
Does MCAA enroll children with an IEP or 504 plan?
Yes, MCAA is committed to providing a complete, compliant, and compelling educational program open to all students who are able to spend 80% or more of the school day in a traditional classroom. MCAA offers a variety of academic support services including speech/language therapy, physical therapy, and occupation therapy as outlined in students' IEP or 504 plans.
Does MCAA provide transportation?
Yes, MCAA offers bus transportation for students living within Madison County at no charge to students' families.